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Over the last few days I have explained to you how you are missing out on potential business because your website is not mobile friendly.

On reviewing your site, it has also become fairly obvious, that it was not created with relevant keywords in mind.

Google goes to a lot of trouble, to inform webmasters on keyword search statistics. So much detail in fact, I could give you a 900 keyword report detailing the exact number of searches in your region. If this report is then compared to the content within your website, is becomes fairly obvious that your website is missing out on some huge traffic potential.

Keyword optimization is the act of researching, analyzing and selecting the best keywords to target to drive qualified traffic from search engines to your website.

Keyword search optimization is a critical step in initial stages of search engine marketing, for both paid and organic search. If you do a bad job at selecting your target keywords, all your subsequent efforts will be in vain. So it’s vital to get keyword optimization right.


But optimizing keywords isn’t something you do ONLY at the outset of a search marketing campaign. Ongoing keyword optimization is necessary to keep uncovering new keyword opportunities and to expand your reach into various keyword verticals. So keyword optimization isn’t a set it and forget it process. By continuously performing keyword analysis and expanding your database of keywords, your site traffic, leads and sales will continue to grow.

Benefits of Keyword Optimization

In a recent survey, participants listed keyword optimization as one of the hardest tasks in search engine marketing. Because of its difficult nature, most site owners, marketers and bloggers don’t spend enough time optimizing keywords. This is ironic since optimizing keywords is the most important aspect of SEO and PPC. If you don’t choose and use keywords your customers are searching for, you won’t get found. That means no traffic, no sales, no money.

So to look at the big picture, you must practice search engine keyword optimization to:

▪ Drive qualified traffic to your website: To drive searchers to your site, you must optimize for the keywords they’re searching for
▪ Measure traffic potential: Analyzing the popularity of keywords helps you gauge the size of a potential online market.
▪ Write effective content: By incorporating optimized keywords into your website content, you can connect instantly with potential customers and address their needs.
▪ Understand user behavior: By analyzing the words that your customers use, you get an idea of their needs and how to service those needs.

We can sort out all these issues for you. We will rebuild your site into a modern responsive mobile friendly, keyword optimised site.

We will even go to the trouble of building an outline and the home page for your review, before any money changes hands.

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